You know you should back up your data. Yet majority of users do not regularly back up their data. Many users simply don't have a reasonable idea of what to back up and how to best go about it . That's where we can help you.This is one of the most important, yet also one of the most neglected areas of computing. Backing up your data should be at the top of your computer maintenance list, right next to Virus Protection. Without data backup or virus protection, you are running the risk of losing your data. And it will happen, don’t think that you don’t have to worry about it.
Proven Cost Saving – Google's web-based applications require no hardware or
Mobile Email and Calendar Sync – Employees can be productive on the go. |
99.9% Uptime Reliability Guarantee – Apps will be available at least 99.9% of the time. |
50X More Storage Than Industry Average – 25GB of email storage per employee. |
Data Security and Trust – Google's network is designed from the ground up with
security in mind. |
24/7 Customer Support – Phone and email support are available for critical issues. |